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Fretz Complete Starter Hammer Set

Fretz Complete Starter Hammer Set


The only difference is the size of the hammers for the scale of the work. Jewelers should start with the HMR-1 thru 5 Set. Metalsmiths who forge and form heavy stock will pick up one of these larger hammers in the HMR-101 through 105 Set. Those working on very small metal work will appreciate the scale of the HMR-401 through 405 Set.

This set includes; 

  • Silversmith Planishing Hammer (7.6oz HMR-101)
  • Silversmith Wide Raising Hammer (7.0oz HMR-102)
  • Silversmith Narrow Raising Hammer (6.5oz HMR-103)
  • Silversmith Large Embossing Hammer (7.0 oz HMR-104)
  • Silversmith Small Embossing Hammer (6.0z HMR-105)